Amortisation Examples
Basic example #1
The following example shows a small personal loan of £1,500 taken out on 26 November 2022 and repaid on time in 5 monthly instalments, with a level payment of £456.88 and a final payment of £456.84:
#r "nuget:FSharp.Finance.Personal"
open FSharp.Finance.Personal
open Calculation
open DateDay
open Scheduling
let scheduleParameters =
AsOfDate = Date(2023, 4, 1)
StartDate = Date(2022, 11, 26)
Principal = 1500_00L<Cent>
ScheduleConfig = AutoGenerateSchedule {
UnitPeriodConfig = UnitPeriod.Monthly(1, 2022, 11, 31)
PaymentCount = 5
MaxDuration = Duration.Unlimited
PaymentConfig = {
ScheduledPaymentOption = AsScheduled
CloseBalanceOption = LeaveOpenBalance
PaymentRounding = RoundUp
MinimumPayment = DeferOrWriteOff 50L<Cent>
PaymentTimeout = 3<DurationDay>
FeeConfig = Fee.Config.initialRecommended
ChargeConfig = {
ChargeTypes = [| Charge.LatePayment (Amount.Simple 10_00L<Cent>) |]
Rounding = RoundDown
ChargeHolidays = [||]
ChargeGrouping = Charge.ChargeGrouping.OneChargeTypePerDay
LatePaymentGracePeriod = 0<DurationDay>
InterestConfig = {
Method = Interest.Method.Simple
StandardRate = Interest.Rate.Daily (Percent 0.8m)
Cap = {
TotalAmount = ValueSome <| Amount.Percentage (Percent 100m, Restriction.NoLimit, RoundDown)
DailyAmount = ValueSome <| Amount.Percentage (Percent 0.8m, Restriction.NoLimit, NoRounding)
InitialGracePeriod = 3<DurationDay>
PromotionalRates = [||]
RateOnNegativeBalance = Interest.Rate.Zero
AprMethod = Apr.CalculationMethod.UnitedKingdom 3
InterestRounding = RoundDown
let actualPayments =
Map [
4<OffsetDay>, [| ActualPayment.quickConfirmed 456_88L<Cent> |]
35<OffsetDay>, [| ActualPayment.quickConfirmed 456_88L<Cent> |]
66<OffsetDay>, [| ActualPayment.quickConfirmed 456_88L<Cent> |]
94<OffsetDay>, [| ActualPayment.quickConfirmed 456_88L<Cent> |]
125<OffsetDay>, [| ActualPayment.quickConfirmed 456_84L<Cent> |]
let amortisationSchedule =
|> Amortisation.generate scheduleParameters ValueNone false
It is possible to format the Items
property as an HTML table:
let html = amortisationSchedule.ScheduleItems |> Formatting.generateHtmlFromMap [||]
$"""<div style="overflow-x: auto;">{html}</div>"""
Day | Offset Date | Advances | Scheduled Payment | Window | Payment Due | Actual Payments | Generated Payment | Net Effect | Payment Status | Balance Status | New Charges | Charges Portion | Original Simple Interest | Contractual Interest | Simple Interest | New Interest | Interest Portion | Fees Refund | Fees Portion | Principal Portion | Charges Balance | Interest Balance | Fees Balance | Principal Balance | Settlement Figure | Fees Refund If Settled |
0 | 2022-11-26 | 1,500.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | open balance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 1,500.00 | 1,500.00 | 0.00 | |||||
4 | 2022-11-30 | original 456.88 | 1 | 456.88 | confirmed 456.88 | 456.88 | payment made | open balance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 48.0000 | 48.0000 | 48.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 408.88 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 1,091.12 | 1,091.12 | 0.00 | |||
35 | 2022-12-31 | original 456.88 | 2 | 456.88 | confirmed 456.88 | 456.88 | payment made | open balance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 270.5978 | 270.5978 | 270.59 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 186.29 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 904.83 | 904.83 | 0.00 | |||
66 | 2023-01-31 | original 456.88 | 3 | 456.88 | confirmed 456.88 | 456.88 | payment made | open balance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 224.3978 | 224.3978 | 224.39 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 232.49 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 672.34 | 672.34 | 0.00 | |||
94 | 2023-02-28 | original 456.88 | 4 | 456.88 | confirmed 456.88 | 456.88 | payment made | open balance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 150.6042 | 150.6042 | 150.60 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 306.28 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 366.06 | 366.06 | 0.00 | |||
125 | 2023-03-31 | original 456.84 | 5 | 456.84 | confirmed 456.84 | 456.84 | payment made | closed balance | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 90.7829 | 90.7829 | 90.78 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 366.06 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Multiple items
namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Finance
namespace FSharp.Finance.Personal
module Calculation
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> convenience functions and options to help with calculations </summary>
<summary> convenience functions and options to help with calculations </summary>
module DateDay
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> a .NET Framework polyfill equivalent to the DateOnly structure in .NET Core </summary>
<summary> a .NET Framework polyfill equivalent to the DateOnly structure in .NET Core </summary>
module Scheduling
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> functions for generating a regular payment schedule, with payment amounts, interest and APR </summary>
<summary> functions for generating a regular payment schedule, with payment amounts, interest and APR </summary>
val scheduleParameters: Parameters
Multiple items
[<Struct>] type Date = new: year: int * month: int * day: int -> Date val Year: int val Month: int val Day: int member AddDays: i: int -> Date member AddMonths: i: int -> Date member AddYears: i: int -> Date member ToDateTime: unit -> DateTime override ToString: unit -> string static member (-) : d1: Date * d2: Date -> TimeSpan ...
<summary> the date at the customer's location - ensure any time-zone conversion is performed before using this - as all calculations are date-only with no time component, summer time or other such time artefacts </summary>
Date ()
new: year: int * month: int * day: int -> Date
[<Struct>] type Date = new: year: int * month: int * day: int -> Date val Year: int val Month: int val Day: int member AddDays: i: int -> Date member AddMonths: i: int -> Date member AddYears: i: int -> Date member ToDateTime: unit -> DateTime override ToString: unit -> string static member (-) : d1: Date * d2: Date -> TimeSpan ...
<summary> the date at the customer's location - ensure any time-zone conversion is performed before using this - as all calculations are date-only with no time component, summer time or other such time artefacts </summary>
Date ()
new: year: int * month: int * day: int -> Date
Multiple items
module Cent from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> utility functions for base currency unit values </summary>
[<Measure>] type Cent
<summary> the base unit of a currency (cent, penny, øre etc.) </summary>
module Cent from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> utility functions for base currency unit values </summary>
[<Measure>] type Cent
<summary> the base unit of a currency (cent, penny, øre etc.) </summary>
type ScheduleConfig =
| AutoGenerateSchedule of AutoGenerateSchedule: AutoGenerateSchedule
| FixedSchedules of FixedSchedules: FixedSchedule array
| CustomSchedule of CustomSchedule: Map<int<OffsetDay>,ScheduledPayment>
<summary> whether a payment plan is generated according to a regular schedule or is an irregular array of payments </summary>
<summary> whether a payment plan is generated according to a regular schedule or is an irregular array of payments </summary>
Multiple items
union case ScheduleConfig.AutoGenerateSchedule: AutoGenerateSchedule: AutoGenerateSchedule -> ScheduleConfig
<summary> a schedule based on a unit-period config with a specific number of payments with an auto-calculated amount, optionally limited to a maximum duration </summary>
[<Struct>] type AutoGenerateSchedule = { UnitPeriodConfig: Config PaymentCount: int MaxDuration: Duration }
<summary> a regular schedule based on a unit-period config with a specific number of payments with an auto-calculated amount </summary>
union case ScheduleConfig.AutoGenerateSchedule: AutoGenerateSchedule: AutoGenerateSchedule -> ScheduleConfig
<summary> a schedule based on a unit-period config with a specific number of payments with an auto-calculated amount, optionally limited to a maximum duration </summary>
[<Struct>] type AutoGenerateSchedule = { UnitPeriodConfig: Config PaymentCount: int MaxDuration: Duration }
<summary> a regular schedule based on a unit-period config with a specific number of payments with an auto-calculated amount </summary>
module UnitPeriod
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> an unambiguous way to represent regular date intervals and generate schedules based on them note: unit-period definitions are based on US federal legislation but the definitions are universally applicable </summary>
<summary> an unambiguous way to represent regular date intervals and generate schedules based on them note: unit-period definitions are based on US federal legislation but the definitions are universally applicable </summary>
union case UnitPeriod.Config.Monthly: MonthMultiple: int * Year: int * Month: int * Day: int -> UnitPeriod.Config
<summary> (multi-)monthly: every n months starting on the date given by year, month and day, which tracks month-end (see config) </summary>
<summary> (multi-)monthly: every n months starting on the date given by year, month and day, which tracks month-end (see config) </summary>
type Duration =
| Unlimited
| Maximum of Length: int<DurationDay> * FromDate: Date
<summary> a length of time in whole days measured from a start date </summary>
<summary> a length of time in whole days measured from a start date </summary>
union case Duration.Unlimited: Duration
<summary> unrestricted length of time </summary>
<summary> unrestricted length of time </summary>
type PaymentConfig =
ScheduledPaymentOption: ScheduledPaymentOption
CloseBalanceOption: CloseBalanceOption
PaymentRounding: Rounding
MinimumPayment: MinimumPayment
PaymentTimeout: int<DurationDay>
<summary> how to treat scheduled payments </summary>
<summary> how to treat scheduled payments </summary>
type ScheduledPaymentOption =
| AsScheduled
| AddChargesAndInterest
<summary> whether to stick to scheduled payment amounts or add charges and interest to them </summary>
<summary> whether to stick to scheduled payment amounts or add charges and interest to them </summary>
union case ScheduledPaymentOption.AsScheduled: ScheduledPaymentOption
<summary> keep to the scheduled payment amounts even if this results in an open balance </summary>
<summary> keep to the scheduled payment amounts even if this results in an open balance </summary>
type CloseBalanceOption =
| LeaveOpenBalance
| IncreaseFinalPayment
| AddSingleExtraPayment
| AddMultipleExtraPayments
<summary> how to handle a final balance if not closed: leave it open or modify/add payments at the end of the schedule </summary>
<summary> how to handle a final balance if not closed: leave it open or modify/add payments at the end of the schedule </summary>
union case CloseBalanceOption.LeaveOpenBalance: CloseBalanceOption
<summary> do not modify the final payment and leave any open balance as is </summary>
<summary> do not modify the final payment and leave any open balance as is </summary>
union case Rounding.RoundUp: Rounding
<summary> round up to the specified precision (= ceiling) </summary>
<summary> round up to the specified precision (= ceiling) </summary>
type MinimumPayment =
| NoMinimumPayment
| DeferOrWriteOff of DeferOrWriteOff: int64<Cent>
| ApplyMinimumPayment of ApplyMinimumPayment: int64<Cent>
<summary> how to handle cases where the payment due is less than the minimum that payment providers can process </summary>
<summary> how to handle cases where the payment due is less than the minimum that payment providers can process </summary>
union case MinimumPayment.DeferOrWriteOff: DeferOrWriteOff: int64<Cent> -> MinimumPayment
<summary> add the payment due to the next payment or close the balance if the final payment </summary>
<summary> add the payment due to the next payment or close the balance if the final payment </summary>
type DurationDay
<summary> a duration of a number of days </summary>
<summary> a duration of a number of days </summary>
module Fee
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> a product fee > NOTE: differences between fees and charges: > - fees are up-front amounts paid under agreed terms for receiving an advance > - fees are added to the principal balance and therefore accrue interest </summary>
<summary> a product fee > NOTE: differences between fees and charges: > - fees are up-front amounts paid under agreed terms for receiving an advance > - fees are added to the principal balance and therefore accrue interest </summary>
Multiple items
module Config from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Fee
<summary> options specifying the types of fees, their amounts, and any restrictions on these </summary>
type Config = { FeeTypes: FeeType array Rounding: Rounding FeeAmortisation: FeeAmortisation SettlementRefund: SettlementRefund }
<summary> options specifying the types of fees, their amounts, and any restrictions on these </summary>
module Config from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Fee
<summary> options specifying the types of fees, their amounts, and any restrictions on these </summary>
type Config = { FeeTypes: FeeType array Rounding: Rounding FeeAmortisation: FeeAmortisation SettlementRefund: SettlementRefund }
<summary> options specifying the types of fees, their amounts, and any restrictions on these </summary>
val initialRecommended: Fee.Config
<summary> a default config value, with no fees but recommended settings </summary>
<summary> a default config value, with no fees but recommended settings </summary>
module Charge
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> a penalty charge > NB: differences between charges and fees: > - charges are not up-front amounts, they are incurred as a result of a breach of agreed terms > - charges are not added to the principal balance and do not therefore accrue interest </summary>
<summary> a penalty charge > NB: differences between charges and fees: > - charges are not up-front amounts, they are incurred as a result of a breach of agreed terms > - charges are not added to the principal balance and do not therefore accrue interest </summary>
union case Charge.ChargeType.LatePayment: LatePayment: Amount -> Charge.ChargeType
<summary> a charge incurred because a scheduled payment was not made on time or in full </summary>
<summary> a charge incurred because a scheduled payment was not made on time or in full </summary>
Multiple items
module Amount from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> an amount specified either as a simple amount or as a percentage of another amount, optionally restricted to lower and/or upper limits </summary>
[<Struct>] type Amount = | Percentage of Percentage: Percent * Restriction: Restriction * Rounding: Rounding | Simple of Simple: int64<Cent>
<summary> an amount specified either as a simple amount or as a percentage of another amount, optionally restricted to lower and/or upper limits </summary>
module Amount from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> an amount specified either as a simple amount or as a percentage of another amount, optionally restricted to lower and/or upper limits </summary>
[<Struct>] type Amount = | Percentage of Percentage: Percent * Restriction: Restriction * Rounding: Rounding | Simple of Simple: int64<Cent>
<summary> an amount specified either as a simple amount or as a percentage of another amount, optionally restricted to lower and/or upper limits </summary>
union case Amount.Simple: Simple: int64<Cent> -> Amount
<summary> a fixed fee </summary>
<summary> a fixed fee </summary>
Multiple items
module Rounding from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> the type of rounding, specifying midpoint-rounding where necessary </summary>
[<Struct>] type Rounding = | NoRounding | RoundUp | RoundDown | RoundWith of MidpointRounding
<summary> the type of rounding, specifying midpoint-rounding where necessary </summary>
module Rounding from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> the type of rounding, specifying midpoint-rounding where necessary </summary>
[<Struct>] type Rounding = | NoRounding | RoundUp | RoundDown | RoundWith of MidpointRounding
<summary> the type of rounding, specifying midpoint-rounding where necessary </summary>
union case Rounding.RoundDown: Rounding
<summary> round down to the specified precision (= floor) </summary>
<summary> round down to the specified precision (= floor) </summary>
type ChargeGrouping =
| OneChargeTypePerDay
| OneChargeTypePerProduct
| AllChargesApplied
<summary> options on how to handle multiple charges </summary>
<summary> options on how to handle multiple charges </summary>
union case Charge.ChargeGrouping.OneChargeTypePerDay: Charge.ChargeGrouping
<summary> only one charge of any type may be applied per day </summary>
<summary> only one charge of any type may be applied per day </summary>
module Interest
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> methods for calculating interest and unambiguously expressing interest rates, as well as enforcing regulatory caps on interest chargeable </summary>
<summary> methods for calculating interest and unambiguously expressing interest rates, as well as enforcing regulatory caps on interest chargeable </summary>
type Method =
| Simple
| AddOn
<summary> the method used to calculate the interest </summary>
<summary> the method used to calculate the interest </summary>
union case Interest.Method.Simple: Interest.Method
<summary> simple interest method, where interest is based on the principal balance and the number of days outstanding </summary>
<summary> simple interest method, where interest is based on the principal balance and the number of days outstanding </summary>
Multiple items
module Rate from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Interest
[<Struct>] type Rate = | Zero | Annual of Annual: Percent | Daily of Daily: Percent
<summary> the interest rate expressed as either an annual or a daily rate </summary>
module Rate from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Interest
[<Struct>] type Rate = | Zero | Annual of Annual: Percent | Daily of Daily: Percent
<summary> the interest rate expressed as either an annual or a daily rate </summary>
union case Interest.Rate.Daily: Daily: Percent -> Interest.Rate
<summary> the daily interest rate, or the annual interest rate divided by 365 </summary>
<summary> the daily interest rate, or the annual interest rate divided by 365 </summary>
Multiple items
union case Percent.Percent: decimal -> Percent
module Percent from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> utility functions for percent values </summary>
type Percent = | Percent of decimal
<summary> a percentage, e.g. 42%, as opposed to its decimal representation 0.42m </summary>
union case Percent.Percent: decimal -> Percent
module Percent from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> utility functions for percent values </summary>
type Percent = | Percent of decimal
<summary> a percentage, e.g. 42%, as opposed to its decimal representation 0.42m </summary>
union case ValueOption.ValueSome: 'T -> ValueOption<'T>
union case Amount.Percentage: Percentage: Percent * Restriction: Restriction * Rounding: Rounding -> Amount
<summary> a percentage of the principal, optionally restricted </summary>
<summary> a percentage of the principal, optionally restricted </summary>
Multiple items
module Restriction from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> the type of restriction placed on a possible value </summary>
[<Struct>] type Restriction = | NoLimit | LowerLimit of LowerLimit: int64<Cent> | UpperLimit of UpperLimit: int64<Cent> | WithinRange of MinValue: int64<Cent> * MaxValue: int64<Cent>
<summary> the type of restriction placed on a possible value </summary>
module Restriction from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> the type of restriction placed on a possible value </summary>
[<Struct>] type Restriction = | NoLimit | LowerLimit of LowerLimit: int64<Cent> | UpperLimit of UpperLimit: int64<Cent> | WithinRange of MinValue: int64<Cent> * MaxValue: int64<Cent>
<summary> the type of restriction placed on a possible value </summary>
union case Restriction.NoLimit: Restriction
<summary> does not constrain values at all </summary>
<summary> does not constrain values at all </summary>
union case Rounding.NoRounding: Rounding
<summary> do not round at all </summary>
<summary> do not round at all </summary>
union case Interest.Rate.Zero: Interest.Rate
<summary> a zero rate </summary>
<summary> a zero rate </summary>
module Apr
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> calculating the APR according to various country-specific regulations </summary>
<summary> calculating the APR according to various country-specific regulations </summary>
type CalculationMethod =
| UnitedKingdom of UkPrecision: int
| UsActuarial of UsPrecision: int
| UnitedStatesRule
<summary> the calculation method used to determine the APR </summary>
<summary> the calculation method used to determine the APR </summary>
union case Apr.CalculationMethod.UnitedKingdom: UkPrecision: int -> Apr.CalculationMethod
<summary> calculates the APR according to UK FCA rules to the stated decimal precision (note that this is two places more than the percent precision) </summary>
<summary> calculates the APR according to UK FCA rules to the stated decimal precision (note that this is two places more than the percent precision) </summary>
val actualPayments: Map<int<OffsetDay>,ActualPayment array>
Multiple items
module Map from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> functions for working with maps </summary>
module Map from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type Map<'Key,'Value (requires comparison)> = interface IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key,'Value> interface IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IEnumerable interface IStructuralEquatable interface IComparable interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface ICollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IDictionary<'Key,'Value> new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value> member Add: key: 'Key * value: 'Value -> Map<'Key,'Value> ...
new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value>
module Map from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Calculation
<summary> functions for working with maps </summary>
module Map from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
type Map<'Key,'Value (requires comparison)> = interface IReadOnlyDictionary<'Key,'Value> interface IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IEnumerable interface IStructuralEquatable interface IComparable interface IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface ICollection<KeyValuePair<'Key,'Value>> interface IDictionary<'Key,'Value> new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value> member Add: key: 'Key * value: 'Value -> Map<'Key,'Value> ...
new: elements: ('Key * 'Value) seq -> Map<'Key,'Value>
Multiple items
module OffsetDay from FSharp.Finance.Personal.DateDay
<summary> functions for converting offset days to and from dates </summary>
[<Measure>] type OffsetDay
<summary> the offset of a date from the start date, in days </summary>
module OffsetDay from FSharp.Finance.Personal.DateDay
<summary> functions for converting offset days to and from dates </summary>
[<Measure>] type OffsetDay
<summary> the offset of a date from the start date, in days </summary>
Multiple items
module ActualPayment from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Scheduling
<summary> an actual payment made by the customer, optionally including metadata such as bank references etc. </summary>
type ActualPayment = { ActualPaymentStatus: ActualPaymentStatus Metadata: Map<string,obj> }
<summary> an actual payment made by the customer, optionally including metadata such as bank references etc. </summary>
module ActualPayment from FSharp.Finance.Personal.Scheduling
<summary> an actual payment made by the customer, optionally including metadata such as bank references etc. </summary>
type ActualPayment = { ActualPaymentStatus: ActualPaymentStatus Metadata: Map<string,obj> }
<summary> an actual payment made by the customer, optionally including metadata such as bank references etc. </summary>
val quickConfirmed: amount: int64<Cent> -> ActualPayment
<summary> a quick convenient method to create a confirmed actual payment </summary>
<summary> a quick convenient method to create a confirmed actual payment </summary>
val amortisationSchedule: Amortisation.Schedule
module Amortisation
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> calculating the principal balance over time, taking into account the effects of charges, interest and fees </summary>
<summary> calculating the principal balance over time, taking into account the effects of charges, interest and fees </summary>
val generate: sp: Parameters -> settlementDay: SettlementDay voption -> trimEnd: bool -> actualPayments: Map<int<OffsetDay>,ActualPayment array> -> Amortisation.Schedule
<summary> generates an amortisation schedule and final statistics </summary>
<summary> generates an amortisation schedule and final statistics </summary>
union case ValueOption.ValueNone: ValueOption<'T>
val html: string
Amortisation.Schedule.ScheduleItems: Map<int<OffsetDay>,Amortisation.ScheduleItem>
<summary> a list of amortisation items, showing the events and calculations for a particular offset day </summary>
<summary> a list of amortisation items, showing the events and calculations for a particular offset day </summary>
module Formatting
from FSharp.Finance.Personal
<summary> convenience module for generating HTML tables, optimised for amortisation schedules </summary>
<summary> convenience module for generating HTML tables, optimised for amortisation schedules </summary>
val generateHtmlFromMap: hideProperties: string array -> data: Map<'a,'b> -> string (requires comparison)
<summary> generates a formatted HTML table from a map with the index name "Day" </summary>
<summary> generates a formatted HTML table from a map with the index name "Day" </summary>