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Config Type

options specifying the types of charges, their amounts, and any restrictions on these

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: ChargeGrouping

Field type: ChargeGrouping

whether to group charges by type per day

Field type: ChargeGrouping


Full Usage: ChargeHolidays

Field type: DateRange array

any period during which charges are not payable

Field type: DateRange array


Full Usage: ChargeTypes

Field type: ChargeType array

a list of penalty charges applicable to a product

Field type: ChargeType array


Full Usage: LatePaymentGracePeriod

Field type: int<MeasureProduct<DurationDay, MeasureOne>>

the number of days' grace period after which late-payment charges apply

Field type: int<MeasureProduct<DurationDay, MeasureOne>>


Full Usage: Rounding

Field type: Rounding

how to round charges

Field type: Rounding

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