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ActualPaymentStatus Type

the status of the payment, allowing for delays due to payment-provider processing times

Union cases

Union case Description

Confirmed Confirmed

Full Usage: Confirmed Confirmed


the payment has been confirmed

Confirmed : int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>

Failed(Failed, ChargeTypes)

Full Usage: Failed(Failed, ChargeTypes)


the payment has been failed, with optional charges (e.g. due to insufficient-funds penalties)

Failed : int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>
ChargeTypes : ChargeType array

Pending Pending

Full Usage: Pending Pending


the payment has been initiated but is not yet confirmed

Pending : int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>

TimedOut TimedOut

Full Usage: TimedOut TimedOut


the payment had been initiated but was not confirmed within the timeout

TimedOut : int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>

WriteOff WriteOff

Full Usage: WriteOff WriteOff


a write-off payment has been applied

WriteOff : int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>

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