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PaymentConfig Type

how to treat scheduled payments

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: CloseBalanceOption

Field type: CloseBalanceOption

whether to leave a final balance open or close it using various methods

Field type: CloseBalanceOption


Full Usage: MinimumPayment

Field type: MinimumPayment

the minimum payment that can be taken and how to handle it

Field type: MinimumPayment


Full Usage: PaymentRounding

Field type: Rounding

how to round payments

Field type: Rounding


Full Usage: PaymentTimeout

Field type: int<MeasureProduct<DurationDay, MeasureOne>>

the duration after which a pending payment is considered a missed payment

Field type: int<MeasureProduct<DurationDay, MeasureOne>>


Full Usage: ScheduledPaymentOption

Field type: ScheduledPaymentOption

whether to modify scheduled payment amounts to keep the schedule on-track

Field type: ScheduledPaymentOption

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