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ScheduledPayment Type

any original or rescheduled payment, affecting how any payment due is calculated

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: Adjustment

Field type: int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>

any adjustment due to interest or charges being applied to the relevant payment rather than being amortised later

Field type: int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>


Full Usage: Metadata

Field type: Map<string, obj>

any reference numbers or other information pertaining to this payment

Field type: Map<string, obj>


Full Usage: Original

Field type: OriginalPayment voption

any original payment

Field type: OriginalPayment voption


Full Usage: PreviousRescheduled

Field type: RescheduledPayment array

any payments relating to previous reschedulings *sorted in creation order*, if any

Field type: RescheduledPayment array


Full Usage: Rescheduled

Field type: RescheduledPayment voption

the payment relating to the latest rescheduling, if any > NB: if set to `ValueSome 0L` this indicates that the original payment is no longer due

Field type: RescheduledPayment voption

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Html

Returns: string

HTML formatting to display the scheduled payment in a concise way

Returns: string

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