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ScheduleConfig Type

whether a payment plan is generated according to a regular schedule or is an irregular array of payments

Union cases

Union case Description

AutoGenerateSchedule AutoGenerateSchedule

Full Usage: AutoGenerateSchedule AutoGenerateSchedule


a schedule based on a unit-period config with a specific number of payments with an auto-calculated amount, optionally limited to a maximum duration

AutoGenerateSchedule : AutoGenerateSchedule

CustomSchedule CustomSchedule

Full Usage: CustomSchedule CustomSchedule


just a bunch of payments

CustomSchedule : Map<int<MeasureProduct<OffsetDay, MeasureOne>>, ScheduledPayment>

FixedSchedules FixedSchedules

Full Usage: FixedSchedules FixedSchedules


a schedule based on one or more unit-period configs each with a specific number of payments of a specified amount and type

FixedSchedules : FixedSchedule array

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