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AppliedPayment Type

an actual payment made on a particular day, optionally with charges applied, with the net effect and payment status calculated

Record fields

Record Field Description


Full Usage: ActualPayments

Field type: ActualPayment array

the amounts of any actual payments made on the current day

Field type: ActualPayment array


Full Usage: ChargeTypes

Field type: ChargeType array

details of any charges incurred on the current day

Field type: ChargeType array


Full Usage: GeneratedPayment

Field type: GeneratedPayment

a payment generated by the system e.g. to calculate a settlement figure

Field type: GeneratedPayment


Full Usage: NetEffect

Field type: int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>

the net effect of any payments made on the current day

Field type: int64<MeasureProduct<Cent, MeasureOne>>


Full Usage: PaymentStatus

Field type: PaymentStatus

the payment status based on the payments made on the current day

Field type: PaymentStatus


Full Usage: ScheduledPayment

Field type: ScheduledPayment

the amount of any scheduled payment due on the current day

Field type: ScheduledPayment

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