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AppliedPayment Module

functions for handling received payments and calculating interest and/or charges where necessary


Type Description


an actual payment made on a particular day, optionally with charges applied, with the net effect and payment status calculated

Functions and values

Function or value Description

applyPayments asOfDay settlementDay chargeConfig paymentTimeout actualPayments scheduledPayments

Full Usage: applyPayments asOfDay settlementDay chargeConfig paymentTimeout actualPayments scheduledPayments

Returns: Map<int<MeasureProduct<OffsetDay, MeasureOne>>, AppliedPayment>

groups payments by day, applying actual payments, adding a payment status and optionally a late payment charge if underpaid

asOfDay : int<MeasureProduct<OffsetDay, MeasureOne>>
settlementDay : SettlementDay voption
chargeConfig : Config
paymentTimeout : int<MeasureProduct<DurationDay, MeasureOne>>
actualPayments : Map<int<MeasureProduct<OffsetDay, MeasureOne>>, ActualPayment array>
scheduledPayments : Map<int<MeasureProduct<OffsetDay, MeasureOne>>, ScheduledPayment>
Returns: Map<int<MeasureProduct<OffsetDay, MeasureOne>>, AppliedPayment>

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